Bistro du Périgord
Delicious!! My favorite! The glass of wine a little expensive.
A 79 m del hotel
69-73 rue Saint-Jacques
Una guía para encontrar alojamientos fantásticos cerca de Hotel du College de France
Delicious!! My favorite! The glass of wine a little expensive.
A 79 m del hotel
69-73 rue Saint-Jacques
This is an amazing place, you can easily spend hours and hours....👍👍👍👍👍
A 87 m del hotel
67 boulevard Saint-Germain
Croissant is divine!!! Can’t you tell?
A 169 m del hotel
47 ter boulevard Saint-Germain
Cozy coffee shop with excellent service and atmosphere,Free WiFi,my espresso was excellent,highly recommend this coffee shop
A 245 m del hotel
3 rue Valette
Lovely Parisienne ladies helping you with your choices of croissant. Always smiling and you should try every croissant in this Boulangerie . Perfect Flavours and smell of butter . Try it.
A 265 m del hotel
52 boulevard Saint-Germain
Looking for a good book? Do like Hemingway & Fitzgerald did in their time and go to the iconic Shakespeare bookstore!
A 305 m del hotel
37 rue de la Bûcherie
Um monumento imperdível, cheio de História. A vista do topo das escadarias é maravilhosa.
A 349 m del hotel
Place du Panthéon
Il y a un pavé de bronze au centre du grand refuge du Parvis : c'est le point de départ du kilométrage de toutes les routes de France. Il fut placé en 1924.
A 425 m del hotel
Parvis Notre-Dame
Даже если Вы не собираетесь посещать Лувр, стоит хотя-бы погулять вокруг него 😄 тут действительно очень красиво
A 1.3 km del hotel
Rue de Rivoli